How fragile we are
‘Fragile’ - it could describe our nation’s health embodied by the Prime Minister in critical care, or the state of the nation's economy and future hope. Alternatively it could describe our relationships with others or our own mental health as we are forced into this period of lockdown for a few more weeks. I’m aware of how fragile life feels for those members of Holy Trinity - young and old alike - who have underlying health conditions for whom exposure to the Coronavirus could be more than their bodies could cope with. Fragile also is how Jesus’ life appears in Holy Week as he travels towards the cross, at times seemingly at the mercy of those who mock him, flog him, falsely accuse him and finally crucify him before gambling for his clothing. Jesus’ claims look fragile - more than that, he’s a failure isn’t he? - as he hangs on the cross taunted by those with nothing better to do than make the biggest mistake of their lives: ‘ Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!...