A wedding with a difference!

Meet the new Mr and Mrs Palmer!

Amy and Giles encountered many challenges on the way to being married today. 

The wedding, which was planned many months ago to involve 80+ guests, had to observe the Archbishops' strict guidelines on attendance: The legal minimum attendance is Vicar, bride, groom and 2 witnesses. 

So it was a very small gathering in the chancel rather than the main body of the church. 

Music was provided by a bluetooth speaker rather than an organist. A few friends peered in through the window, and others will watch it later as we recorded the ceremony on a video camera.

They had chosen two excellent Bible readings as part of the service: one from Genesis 2 where the first words recorded by a human in the Bible are an outpouring of joy and thankfulness from the man for his wife; and 1 Corinthians 13, where love is described beautifully by the apostle Paul, but it is a love that is lived out perfectly only in the life of Jesus Christ. His life of love is our example, and his act of sacrificial love on the cross is for the salvation of all who look to him.

Amy and Giles had to cancel the reception venue, but have booked it again for their first anniversary and we look forward to welcoming them back to HT in March 2021 to renew their vows among a larger gathering of friends and family (God willing...)!

But I'm delighted to say that, after all that, they are now husband and wife! Congratulations!


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