Iron sharpening iron (NY resolutions)
This is a report from Day 1 of 2 resolutions that revolve around 3 Apps:
This App will take me through the whole Bible in a year - with a Psalm, a reading from the New Testament, and then a reading from the Old Testament each day.
I’m planning on listening to them rather than reading them - as the first hearers would have done...
Today’s Psalm was Psalm 1 which includes its own encouragement to draw near to God day by day:
1 Blessed is the one
who does not walk in step with the wicked
or stand in the way that sinners take
or sit in the company of mockers,
2 but whose delight is in the law of the Lord,
and who meditates on his law day and night.
3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither—
whatever they do prospers.
I'm not doing this on my own, as a number of others from Holy Trinity are committed to this daily routine. Some of us will be meeting up occasionally to talk about what we’ve read and how God might be changing and challenging us from his word. You can find out more about BiOY here.
Day 1 of Resolution 1 completed!
Resolution 2: Apps 2 and 3
These 2 Apps involve helping me to continue running (my 2nd NY resolution).
I began running in August 2017 and have kept it up since, running 5k 3 mornings a week. I’m loving it, and feeling the benefits. Just Do It (if you can)!
I ran my first Parkrun last week - alongside a few others from Holy Trinity - and think I may be hooked by the enjoyment of running with others...and the competitive element of having your times published online.
I ran the Reigate Parkrun again this morning: Day 1 of Resolution 2 completed.
The 5k-10K App is more of a challenge. I began in August by using the superb 'Couch to 5k App' - with Olympian Michael Johnson as my personal trainer! - and this is the follow on to take me from 5 to 10K.
I’m starting this one on Wednesday, but I reckon it’s the one of the 3 I’m most likely to give up on!
The benefit of all these 3 Apps is that you don’t do any of it alone - you ‘run the race’ with the encouragement of others alongside you. The Bible has a lot to say about that!
Proverbs 27
17 As iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens another.
Stay sharp in 2018!
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