Mission 18: Curry, comedy and Christ
Mission 18 continued...

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12
Whilst this was going on, in the room next door were a bunch of men eating fish and chips and listening to Lee McMunn talk about finding 'rest' with God through Jesus - which doesn't mean inactivity!
On Saturday morning around 80 women gathered in the hall for breakfast and a testimony from Christine Hartley (Mission Team member) about how Jesus had drawn her to himself and changed her life. I wasn't there, but her story made a deep impression on those who were, and it won't be forgotten quickly.
Throughout Saturday the team joined the HT regulars on the Market Bookstall in the centre of Redhill, offering free coffee & tea to passers by, and the chance to talk about some of life's big issues. Numerous conversations took place, literature was given away and invitations were given to Christianity Explored and to our services the next day.

In our Sunday services we were joined by a few people we had encountered in the Market Place and on the street. Our preachers were Lee McMunn and Rob Tearle, and we heard testimonies from other members of the mission team. On Sunday evening we prayed for Trinity Church Scarborough as Lee told us about his hopes and priorities for coming months.
I am aware that I haven't covered all the events that happened during the Mission - the Oasis meeting on Friday morning, the two Home Groups who organised evangelistic events, the (superb) Timperley Cookery Club event...and others.
Behind all the events has been a Mission Planning Team: Sarah, Rachel, Steve, Verity and Sonya - all of whom threw themselves wholeheartedly into the organising of events, catering, hospitality etc. (You did a tremendous job - thank you!)
Thank you to you if you had the courage to invite a guest to a Mission event - keep praying and taking opportunities to share the good news of Jesus!
So, a whole load of planning, time, effort, adrenaline, prayer and faith has gone into a few days of Mission! How do we evaluate it?

I'm grateful that those who spoke in formal settings and informal conversations were working to that end, and that we can have confidence that God will continue to be at work in the hearts and lives of those who listened.
There is another spin-off of doing a Mission - and that is the maturing and reshaping of those who get involved in sharing the gospel. I know that for some of the 'home' team, this week has been an unforgettable and potentially life-changing one - as they stepped out in faith they have discovered gifts that they never knew they had!
And finally... Maybe you were at one or two of the events and services and would like to talk / think more about what you heard. Here is a link to a course that we are running in coming weeks: Take a look at the video, and call the church office or sign up in the foyer this Sunday if you're interested.
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