Halloween at Holy Trinity

But first, see this excellent video by Glen Scrivener on why we might choose to celebrate light rather than darkness, life rather than death... You'll want to watch it more than once.
On 31st October we have a Family Movie Night, with pizza and popcorn - see poster below for details. If your kids are keen to dress up and go out, then bring them along to join in the fun! Call the church office on 01737 766604 to book in.
When the Trick or Treat visitors come to your door, rather than shouting Bible verses at them through the letterbox or hiding behind the sofa, why not give them one of the following?:
- A Meaningful Treat - pick some up from the church foyer this Sunday.

- Sweets - give them what they want! Buy yourself a pack of fun-sized Mars Bars / Haribo and pick up a sheet of stickers from the foyer to decorate the choc.
'The vict'ry lies not with the forces of night,
but dawned with the one who said "I am the Light".'
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